
Hi and welcome to Educator Mum!

Educator Mum was founded by Abbie, a 29 year old mum living in Northamptonshire in the UK. She has two girls aged 9 and 2 and is expecting her third baby later this year.

Abbie is a stay at home mum with a background in early childhood and primary education. She left classroom teaching at the end of 2022 in order to stay home with her children. Since then she’s been putting her knowledge and experience to work, setting up educational play and development opportunities within the home.

The aim of Educator Mum is to be a resource for parents interested in child development and who wish to support their children’s education at home. We are passionate about all things education and love to share play and learning ideas with other parents. The parenting blog has been created to share the highs and lows of parenthood in the hope of connecting with other parents around the world.

We would love to connect with you on this journey – you can reach out via blog comments or send an email to: abbie@theeducatormum.co.uk.

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